Thursday, September 29, 2011

AMC Theatres(R) Brings Back FAST FIVE, STAR TREK and INCEPTION in IMAX for Just $7 - MarketWatch (press release)

AMC Theatres(R) Brings Back FAST FIVE, STAR TREK and INCEPTION in IMAX for Just $7

MarketWatch (press release)

30, INCEPTION, FAST FIVE and STAR TREK -- three of the most popular IMAX(R) action blockbusters of all time -- are coming back to the big screen for IMAX Big Movie Week, exclusively in IMAX auditoriums at AMC.* For one week only, these movies can be ...

and more »

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Older population expected to triple by 2050 - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
In contrast, the population under 15 is expected to increasde by only 6 percent duringy thesame period, from 1.83 billion to 1.93 The Census Bureau said that in the United Statesz those 65 and older will more than doubl e by 2050, rising from 39 million today to 89 million. Whilre children are projected to still outnumbe r the older population worldwiderin 2050, the under 15 populatiomn in the United Statese is expected to fall below the oldere population by that date, increasing from 62 million today to 85 These figures come from the worlds population estimates and projections released today throug the Census Bureau's International Data Base.
This latesrt update includes projectionsby age, including people 100 and for 227 countries and Less than 8 perceng of the world's population is 65 and By 2030, the world's population 65 and oldert is expected to reach 12 percent, and by that share is expected to grow to 16 "This shift in the age structurse of the world's population poses challengee to society, families, businesses, health care providersw and policymakers to meet the needzs of aging individuals," said Wan He, demographed in the Census Bureau's Population Division.
Europe likelt will continue to be the oldest region in the by 2050, 29 percent of its total populatiobn is projected to be 65 and On the other hand, sub-Saharah Africa is expected to remain the youngest regionh as a result of relatively higher fertility and, in some the impact of HIV/AIDS. Only 5 percenyt of Africa's population is projected to be 65 and olderein 2050. Countries experiencing relatively rapis declines in fertility combined with longer life spans will face increasingluolder populations.
These countries will see the highest growtg rates in their older populations over the next 40 There are four countries with 20 percentf or more of their populatio 65and older: Germany, Italy, Japaj and Monaco. By 2030, 55 countriese are expected to have atleasty one-in-five of their total populationb in this age category; by 2050, the number of countriea could rise to more than 100. Although Chinaq and India are the world's most populousz countries, their older populations do not represeny large percentages of their totalpopulations today. these countries do have the largest numbedr of olderpeople -- 109 milliomn and 62 million, respectively.
Both countries are projecte d to undergo more rapid andby 2050, will have abou t 350 million and 240 millio people 65 and older, respectively.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

AutoZone board approves $500M stock repurchase - Phoenix Business Journal:
The company’s board of directorzs approved the repurchase June 17 as part ofthe company’as ongoing share repurchase program, the company announcec after the close of marketsd Wednesday. The last repurchase authorization was in Decembetr and was asimilar $500 There were three $500 million authorizationse in 2008 and a total of $7.9 billion since 1998. "Ww remain committed to utilizing share repurchasesx within the bounds of a disciplined capita l structure to enhance stockholdetr returns while maintaining adequate liquidity to executseour plans,” said CFO Bill Giles.
Memphis-bases AutoZone (NYSE: AZO) is the leading retailer and distributor of automotive replacementf parts and accessories inthe U.S. The compang sells auto and light truck chemicals and accessoriesthrough 4,172 AutoZones stores in 48 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico in the U.S. and 168 storesx in Mexico. Shares of AutoZone closed Wednesday at up 2.37 percent.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Developers eye potential tenants as State Street renovations unfold - The Business Review (Albany):
The row of buildings on State Street between Broadway and Clinton Streetr across from the historic theater have beencleanerd up, restored, or demolished and replaced with something new. Millions of dollarxs in public and private money have removed layerwsof grime, garish colors, corrugated torn awnings, battered signs and other evidence of decay in the cente of downtown. Up to now, the improvements have been largel overshadowed by the changex onthe Proctor’s side of the street, includin a new hotel, upscale restaurant and six-screenn movie theater.
Many of the investment s have been made bythe , a Rotterdam-based developer that has spentt more than $100 million in Schenectady in recenyt years, including projects outside of downtownj such as the new headquarters being built nearby on Nott Chief Operating Officer David Buicko said both sidexs of State Street downtown feed off each other and creates the momentum that has fueled redevelopment. has subsidizede many of the facade improvements with matchinb grantsworth $30,000 to State grants totaling $3.
4 million from the Restore NY program have also primed the pump on two Buicko and Metroplex Chairmanm Ray Gillen said they weren’t concerned aboug an excess supply of office and retail spacw outstripping demand. According to /Albany, the vacancu rate in Schenectady during thefourth quarter, 5.9 was the lowest among the five largest downtownse in the region. A flurry of recent activityh has focused attention on the south side ofState including: • Bombers Burrito Bar is gearing up for an openin the first week of May. Construction of the four-story Clinton Square office/retail building has wrapped up at State andClintonn streets.
John Roth, president of , has no signed tenantsa yet, but said he’s working on some potential deals. “Thd economy definitely slowed down the progression ofprospectivde tenants,” Roth said. “People kind of hunkerede down. Maybe they had considered moving to bigger and better space but had put iton hold. But thered are still some people out there thatare looking.” The bottonm three floors are about 7,000 squarde feet and rent for $18 per square plus taxes, maintenance and insurance; the top floof is roughly 2,200 square feet and renta for $15.50 per squars foot, triple net. The opening of Bomberss next door could helplure tenants, he said.
His constructionh company, Plank LLC, did the renovations. “Thaf type of end-user draws a lot of people into Schenectady,” Roth “I think it will help with leasing the retaiol space on thefirst floor.” • has moved the firsf wave of an anticipated 250 workers into the third floor of the Centefr City Sportsplex. Office space on the secondd floor has been renovated to accommodate theremaining workers, who are expectedr to move in May. The offices are abovee , which is part of Center City, a combination indoord athletic field/retail/office complex that is being renovated by theGalesio Group.
The developer is spending morethan $10 million on the and is negotiating with the to possiblyh open a branch there.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Barkley cuts 10 percent of work force - Kansas City Business Journal:
Mike Swenson, executive vice president of declined to offer a specific number of employeelet go. The company reporte d that it had 300 employees as ofMarch 28, 2008. “Thed cause is real simple — it beginss and ends with the economy we’re in, and it’s been impactingv everybody in every category of Swenson said. Swenson said that the companuy had not lost clients but that some had cuttheid budgets. No specific area was targeted inthe “We made cuts across the entire company as fairlyg as possible in making sure we were not hurting any of our area s of business so we can continue to serv our clients, which all remain with us,” Swenson said.
whose clients include , and , is Kansas City’es No. 3 advertising agency in term s oftotal employees, according to the Kansas City Businessw Journal ’s Book of Lists.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Jon Bon Jovi and Matthew McConaughey Represent the Entertainment Industry Foundation at the National Conference for Service and Volunteering
June 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- , WHAT: On behalf of the EntertainmentyIndustry Foundation, will make special appearances at the National Conferencd for Service and Volunteering. To an audience of more than 4,5009 service leaders, they will share plans for EIF'zs new multi-year campaign to help make service and volunteerismn anational priority. Hollywood'sw leading charity has received wide-spread supporr from the entertainment industry, and, latee this year, will launch an unprecedentede campaign beginningOctober 19th. As a centef piece, broadcast networks will use America'sa favorite TV shows and personalities to shinee a spotlight on the powerof service.
Additionally, EIF is joining forces with AARP and the powedr of its nearly 40 million and is working with the ServiceNation coalition of 200 servicee organizations and the Points ofLighft Institute/HandsOn Network to build a grassroots movement. At the opening will address the conference and play a shortr musical set to celebratesthe year-round work of hundreds of service organizations represented at the will introduce a brief video that will give the group a sneak peak at what EIF and the entertainmeng industry have planned. Both are long supporters of service.
As the founderr of the Philadelphia SoulCharitablee Foundation, has taken up the fight against homelessness and povert y across the country. charitable organization, j.k. livin is working to bring after-schookl fitness and wellness programs to underservedcommunitiese nationwide. Earlier this year, President signe d the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, a bipartisa n act calling for the largestf expansions of community and national service since the launch of the Civilian Conservation Corp s 75years ago.
ABOUT EIF: The Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF), as a leading charitabld organization of theentertainment industry, has distributedx hundreds of millions of dollars to suppory charitable initiatives addressing critical education and social issues. WHEN: June 22, 2009: 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Moscone West 5th Street andHowarf Street, First Level San Francisco, CA 94103 CJ Frogozo and Ken Sunshine - Sunshine, Sachs Associates 310.570.2622 Stacey Perry - Sachs Phone: 310.275.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Liberty's run-oriented offense relies on blocking wide receivers like Anthony ... - The Express Times -

The Express Times -

Liberty's run-oriented offense relies on blocking wide receivers like Anthony ...

The Express Times -

By Brian Fortner For now, the Canes wide receiver will have to settle for a supporting role in coach Dave Brown's run-first offense. "I know my role right now," said Orlando, of his duties in Liberty's triple-option package. "And I accept it. ...

and more »

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Education funding still falls short despite federal stimulus infusion - Phoenix Business Journal:
That was the sentiment of an eight-membee panel of education, trainingh and government experts gathered by the South Florida Business Journal to examinse howthe $787 billion federalo stimulus package is impacting the region’s education and workforcw training sectors. The panel marked the thir d in theBusiness Journal’s ongoing stimulus aimed at tracking and analyzing the flow of money from the Americann Recovery and Reinvestment Act into South Florida. Florida’a Legislature was the only one nationally to requesy a federal waiver that allowex it to take money from education and replacwe it with stimulus dollars while otherr states used stimulus dollares to augmentthe budget.
The situatio n concerned paneliststate Sen. Eleanort Sobel. “We are not starting at the startingg line. The school district in Broward County and thosse throughout the state are startintg behind thestarting line,” Sobel said. “The have had problems for years and they are all Veteran educatorRobert Parks, a memberf of the Broward County School said, “Many of the large urbajn districts in the natiobn are afraid of one thing, which is basically a bait and switcnh with those dollars.” What’s even more worrisomer to some experts is that the stimulu money will eventually run out.
“I’m reall y concerned about in three years; what’s going to said José Vicente, president of ’xs North Campus. “This is a He said the college’s operatinbg budget was cut $22 million while the stimulus money wasonly $13 Parks said Broward County’s school syste has cut $1.4 billion from its construction budgetf in addition to furloughing 700 teacheres and 51 administrators. “We’ve closed all of our school officesd forthe summer. We don’t have summer school anymore,” Parks said. would have been looking at cutting its budget byabout $30 million without $12 million in stimuluxs funds, said Dorothy K.
Russell, the university’s associate VP for financial affairws andbudget director. The universityg cut 30 positionsand “had we not had the stimuluas dollars it could have been much more severe.” George executive VP and COO of , said the $1.3 billio in stimulus funds given to the state relieved pressure on the Legislature to further reduce support for Florida Resident Acces Grants (FRAG), a key source of money for students, but he pointer out that the grantsz used to be $3,00o a year for students and are now $2,529. The amounyt is important to who find enrollment caps at state universities and turn to NSU and othedprivate institutions.
He also said that universities are working together to apply for federalstimuluds funding. NSU has a collaborative proposal with and FAU fora $50 millionn research building with wet labs, business incubator spacer and offices for the U.S. Geological Survey, whichy is helping oversee Everglades “We have shovel-ready projects we have submitted to the Governor and in the next 60 days we coulsdput 1,000 people to work,” Hanburu said. The competition for these typesof though, is fierce. FAU is gettinyg about $12 million in direct infusion from the federalstimuluxs package, but the university also is seeking monet from the for labs and instruments, Russelol said.
April was the month to submit applicationws and the results are expectedby September. The strongest flow of so far, appears to be for programd that help the jobless asthe state’s unemploymenft rate has hit 10.2 percent.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Delta to close Comair concourse at CVG - Business First of Louisville:
The redirection, to be complet in January, will mean passengers of Comair will no longef have to take a bus from the main terminal toConcoursed C, which operates 48 gates. Delta expectsw Concourse C to be closedby January, and is working with the airporg to add at least 11 passenger loading bridges, at a cost of $12 and other improvements at Concourses A and B to handled the added business. That process will take two to thre years. The concourse, and its roughly 30 tenants, will go at least for the time being. Any job reduction s are expected to be handled throug attrition andvoluntary buyouts.
The plan comesx after Delta, and all other major have consolidated flights and increased jetloads – to stave off the effectsz of rising fuel costs. Delta in November will operate300 peak-day flights from CVG, compared with 400 one year “The price of fuel is putting a lot of pressurwe on all of the carrier and all of the airports to which they said Don Bornhorst, senior vice president of Delt Connection. “With the schedule adjustment we have it is allowing us to move those flights aroundthe amenity-rich Concourses A and B.
” Bornhorst said the airline has been lookiny for opportunities to improve services at Comaire since late 2007, when it added its firsf jets with first-class service. Concourse C does not includ a lotof first-class such a Delta Crown Room and passengers have complained about taking the bus to terminal C. “We’rs working hard at making the experience on Deltas Connection as much like Delta as which is what this he said. Delta said there will be no impacft on its employees as a result of the while staff adjustment atComair – whicu employs 1,200 at CVG – will be handledx through attrition or through the company’s voluntary programs.
Comaie staff at Concourse C will be movecd to Concourses A and B to handl e all DeltaConnection departures. Delta employees will continue to handle all ticketingy and mainline flight arrivalsand departures. Delta estimates its local hub generatesnearly $4.5 billion in annuakl economic benefits for the As for operations at Concourse C, airpory spokesman Ted Bushelman said Delta’s lease runs througjh 2025 and the airport will still get paid. Most of the tenants, he also operate shops in Concourses Aand B, “s o they just move over there with the increased passengers.” “Right now this is all caused by fuel he said. “People can’t even afford to fly.
The airlines are tryinh to survive and the way to survive is consolidatingtheir flights.” While the airport may still be paid for Concourser C, Bornhorst said Delta is working with stats and airport officials to help foot the bill for the 11 bridgez to be added, since such infrastructure expenses are handlexd by the airport. Bushelman said the bridgeds will cost anestimatecd $12 million. The shift, meanwhile, can causre some short-term congestion. This fall, Delta Connection will operatee roughly 250 flightsfrom CVG, said Comai spokeswoman Kate Marx. Terminal A operates 22 while Boperates 26. Afteer Concourse C closes, Concoursse A will operate 30 while Concourse B willrun 38.
In the while the bridges are stil lbeing added, some passengers might be required during peak times to take a bus to a jet from Concourse A and B, Bornhorst said. The transitioj will not directly result in schedule and Bornhorst said he does not expect furthe reductionsthis year. Delta officiald also announced Tuesday that the airlinw has drawn down the entirety ofa $1 billionb credit line ahead of its planned purchass of , the company said. Delta said in documents filed with the Securitieas and Exchange Commission that it borrowee the money to increaser its cash balance ahead ofthe deal.
“Wed believe this will provide us with the utmosft inflexibility – at minimal cost as we prepare for this critical Chief Financial Officer Ed Bastian wroted in a memo to employees that was filed with the SEC. Bastianb wrote that Delta has “a strong liquidity which was about $3.7 billion at the end of The company expects to have more than enougjh cash to close the Northwest deal and runthe day-to-day business, it said. Delta and Northwest (NYSE: NWA) said in Aprilk that they plan to combine operations in a deal that would creatwthe world’s largest carrier. They hope to close the transactionby year’zs end. Both Delta and Northwesr service .

Friday, September 9, 2011

COOKING ON DEADLINE: Recipe for curried apple chicken saute - Washington Post

COOKING ON DEADLINE: Recipe for curried apple chicken saute

Washington Post

So rather than indulge his constant desire for applesauce, I decided to integrate an apple sauce into a dinner he was sure to love. ( no / Associated Press ) - This Aug. 22, 2011 photo shows curried apple chicken saute in Concord, NH This recipe works ...

and more »

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Arne Duncan Hops On A Bus To Address Rust Belt School Districts - Huffington Post

Toledo Blade

Arne Duncan Hops On A Bus To Address Rust Belt School Districts

Huffington Post

US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan kicked off his three-day Great Lakes bus tour here, in a city he c »

Monday, September 5, 2011

Business First of Louisville: Most emailed Stories
R.J. Corman Railroad Group LLC has completed its purchasdof Quebec, Canada-based locomotive maker Railpowe r Technologies Corp. and its U.S. Railpower Hybrid Technologies. The University of Louisviller

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Renaissance owners look at selling suites - St. Louis Business Journal:
Bondholders on the $277 million hotel locatex in the 800 block of Washington Avenue downtown aftefr its previous owners defaulted on making an interest payment onits $98 million debt load. The the largest in St. Louis, was foreclosed on in and the sole bid for the hotek was made bythe bondholders’ trustee, , for $98 million, the amountt of debt on the property. The hotel openerd in 2003, but has failed to make revenue projections. Its former owner, Gatewauy Hotel Partners, defaulted on a $3.5 milliohn interest payment due Dec. 15. Gatewagy Hotel Partners is comprised of Housing a subsidiaryof Dallas-based and New Orleans-based .
, a consultant hiredf to advise the owners of the Renaissance on strategies to cut costs andboost profitability, has begun talka with Marriott, the hotel’s manager, about the feasibility of selling the formerr Lennox Building, which is locatede on the north side of Washington immediately adjacent to the conventionj complex. “(The Suites building) is situated across a city Washington Avenue, from the primary hotel property and can be independen and self sustaining without any physical ties to the according to a Jones Lang LaSalledHotels report, which was presented to bondholders April 30, according to a transcriptt of the bondholders’ call.
Brucee Stemerman, managing director of Jonew Lang LaSalle Hotels reported that first quarter 2009 revenue and operating income at the Renaissancreoutperformed Marriott’s budget by $123,000 and $156,000o respectively, but also noted that revenuew per available room was down 12.9 percent in the first quarter compared to 2008. “The remainde of 2009 is not expecte d to be as favorablee as the first quarter as a result of weak grou bookings and lowtransient demand,” according to the “For the entire year, revenues are expected to fall $10 milliobn and $15 million from the 2009 budget and 2008 respectively.
” The bondholders are considering sellintg the Renaissance to a successor owner. According to the conferencw call transcript, Marriott is seekinv to temporarily suspend retirement benefi t contributions for hotel employees and postpone two wage increasess for hotel employeesin 2009, whic would total about $200,0000. Unite Here, the union that representds hourly workers atthe Renaissance, has proposede that in exchange for foregoing retirementg benefits and wage increases, a collectivew bargaining agreement be recognized by a successor owner.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cooper Kenworth to move local operation to Cabarrus - Charlotte Business Journal:
million to move to Cabarrus Countytfrom Charlotte, with the new locationj slated to open in June. plans to add about 15 boosting its work force to 50 as it relocatee to the former Cardinal Freight facility on N.C. Highway 73 at Interstater 85, shifting from a leased site at 8621Statesville Ave. the company has 6 acrees under contract in south Charlotte for a second area saysRussell Laing, vice president. He declines to discloss the location. That facility, slated to open in next year'ss first quarter, will include a 30,000-square-foot showroom and have 20 he says.
At the former Cardinal Freight site, Cooperd Kenworth will demolish part ofthe 25,000-square-fooyt terminal building and expand it to as large as 45,000 square feet, Lain g says. Lester Osborn of Piedmont Properties/CORFAC Internationall represented both sides inCoopedr Kenworth's deal for the Cabarrus The seller was BLW Inc., an investor from Hiltonh Head Island, S.C. Durham-based Cooper Kenworth has eigh t dealerships inNorth Carolina, as well as truck leasing operationd in Tarboro; Bishopville, and Memphis, Tenn. , one of Shelby's largest employers, will spend $20 million to rebuiled one of itslocal plant's furnaces to make the operationm more cost-competitive.
With the upgrade, the 900-employee fiberglass-production plant on Washburn Switcg Road will make material usedin wind-energy turbine blades, roofing shingles and auto "Our investment in Shelb y demonstrates PPG's commitment to our U.S. manufacturing operationw and the global fiberglass saysVictoria Holt, senior vice president of the Pittsburgh-based In January, the plant's future was cast into doubgt when Charles Bunch, PPG chief executive, told Time magazinr the company could closw its Shelby and Lexington facilities.
Local PPG officials say the pendinf $20 million investment ensures the Shelby plant will remain in PPG also hasa 100-employee fiberglass plant on Lancaster Highway in Chester. Lowe's Motor Speedway has hirec to buildan 8,700-square-foot officed addition at the Speedway Club and Smithj Tower. The addition, perchedd 110 feet above the track, will help reducer a space crunch forspeedway employees. Cost of the construction, schedulesd for completion in November, has not been AI Design Group isproject architect.