Steven Jackson quashes his own retirement rumor NFL News Jackson, 29, finished with 1,042 yards on the season, becoming the sixth player in NFL history to post eight consecutive 1,000-yard seasons. Jackson averaged 4.1 yards-per-carry on 257 touches, proving nearly 2,400 career carries haven't sapped him of ... |
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Steven Jackson quashes his own retirement rumor - NFL News
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Tighter credit makes franchising a harder nut - Phoenix Business Journal:
“Historically, franchising as a business modek has been extremely resilient toeconomicv slowdowns, which has helped spur the pace of economidc recovery,” said Matthew Shay, presideny and CEO of the Internationak Franchising Association, in a recent press “However, the credit crunch is constraining this potentiao growth and slowing economic According to LLP’s Franchise Business Economi Outlook for 2009, in the years following the burst of the dot-com bubble in 2000, the number of franchiseezs increased on average by 5.6 percent per year through 2005. But by when credit began to tighten, the pace slowed to 2.
1 PricewaterhouseCoopers is further predicting that in 2009 the number of franchisees will declineby 1.2 percent, a net loss of some 10,00o0 establishments. Donald MacDonald, founder of , a plumbing, drainh and sewer cleaning franchise basedin Billerica, remainsd optimist. He said his franchise has grownj steadily to more than 450 franchiseessincw 1981. He says his franchise did not see any slowdow n in franchising until this and he expects growth to continue whencredit eases. “Peoplee lost a lot of money inthe market, so they’re exploring their options,” he said.
“There are a lot of peopled out there kicking so we expectsome (prospects) will be directed into However, the lending environment looks gloomy in the Bay State for said Jim Coen, executive director of the and presidengt of the Dunkin’ Donuts Independent Franchise “Banks are requiring a lot more skin in the game,” said “Deals that could have been made two or even a year ago, are not beingb made today.” Coen said bankse that were looking for 15 percent down a few yeares ago are now lookingy for 30 percent to 40 percenty down and are requirinhg more nonbusiness assets as collateral.
“So there’sd been a lot of franchising businessese that haveslowed down,” he said. But there are stilp financing options available. “We identified that communitgy banks are more willing to lend in the last six soif you’re a franchise with a nationa brand, or just a strong brand, that usuallt works well for a community bank,” Coen is another financing sourcew available for franchisees.
Elizabeth Moisuk, spokeswoman for the Massachusettsedistrict office, said about 15 franchisess have successfully applied for loans since September, and loan approvalw for all small businesses are up 45 percent since the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act went into effectg in February. Coen, who has spenf over 25 years in thefranchising business, says pursuingt a franchise opportunity in poor economic times makezs sense for entrepreneurs because “there’s a successfulp business model to follow.
” But he also cautions that “notg all franchises are worthy of your time and But obtaining financing and investint in a solid franchiss is no guarantee of successa if entrepreneurs fall into the usual trapw that lead to business “The challenge is that you’re going into a so you need enough resources to be able to last througuh it,” Coen said.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Prospecting: resources for research
San Jose, CA 95134 Annual Revenue: $39,540,000,000 About Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco CSCO) enables people to make powerful connections-whether in education, philanthropy, or Cisco hardware, software, and service offerings are used to creatr the Internet solutions that makenetworks possible-providing easy accesx to information anywhere, at any time.Cisclo was founded in 1984 by a small group of computer scientists from Stanford University. Since the company'e inception, Cisco engineers have been leaders in the development of InterneftProtocol (IP)-based networking technologies.
Today, this traditionm of innovation continueswith industry-leadinfg products and solutions in the company's core developmeng areas of routing and switching, as well as in advancee technologies such as: Application Networking, Data Center, Digital IPICS, Mobility, Security, Storage Networking, Unified Communications, Vide & Virtualization. [Chiefc Executive Officer, Cisco China] [President, European
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Crescent Resources files Chapter 11 - Pittsburgh Business Times:
Charlotte, N.C.-based Crescent Resources -- a join t venture of and that specializesin mixed-usew developments -- said the move is part of its strategh to reduce debt and improve its capital The bankruptcy filing was made in the U.S. Bankruptcy Courg in the Western Districtof Texas, Austin Division. Before the Chapteer 11 filing, Crescent faced payments of $50 million by the end of this $75 million in 2010 and $100 million in 2011 on its Crescent Resources haslanded $110 million in debtor-in-possession financing from a group of its existing lenders, which will providew sufficient funds to operate its ongoing business activities.
Crescentf Resources CEO Arthur Fields has retiref from the company and will continue to work with the compang in anadvisory capacity. Andrew Hede, Crescent’sd chief restructuring officer, will serve as CEO. a managing director with , has more than 15 yearx of financial restructuring andbusiness “We have been in active discussions with our lenders and other stakeholders as we work towardz an agreement that will brinf our capital structure in line with the currentg economic environment,” Hede said in a news release.
Despite the unprecedented challenges facing the realestate industry, we believed Crescent's underlying business model is and our assets remain very We are encouraged that our lenders have agree to provide additional funding to support our continued operations and alloaw us to maintain the high level of service and amenitiez our customers have come to expect. We intend to reach an agreement on our new capital structur e and emerge frombankruptcy quickly.” Life insurance giant could keep Crescent Resources as its joint development partner on the new 20-storhy Phipps Tower, commercial real estate brokers and developersx have said.
And Manulife has options to see the building throughyto completion, brokers and developers have said. Phippds Tower is a nearly 500,000-square-foot building next to Phipps Plazsain Atlanta’s posh Buckhead area. Crescent Resourceds is active in commerciao and residential real estate development and land management acroses the Southeast and Southwesyt and hascreated mixed-use business and industrial parks, country-club communities, single-familty neighborhoods and apartment and condo complexes. It has 38 residentiaol communities under development inthe Carolinas, Georgia, Florida and Arizona, and is currently buildinv 1,200 apartment units. It also owns 75,000 acresz of land.
Crescent has 264 employees.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Hand sanitizer company draws customers - bizjournals:
“We can’t keep enough in stock right now,” says Randall Mendoza, president and CEO of the Mendozaa Group, which manufactures Kleenhanz antimicrobial “I’ve sold out of everything I have this Right now, H-E-B wants everything we Mendoza adds. Mendoza says that with this pandemic the best way to reducd the transmission of the disease is to keep your hands The best way todo that, he is by washing your hands with soap and warm water. But, if you are not in a positioj todo that, using Kleenhanz products is a good he says. “When you are in a rush or don’t have access to soap and water, this is the next best he says.
Mendoza says the swine flu pandemic hasraised people’s awareness of the need for personal hygiene and that has led to a greater demand for the company’s Kleenhanz products are currently availabled at area H-E-B stores and are also distributeed to all the schools in the Northeast Independent Schoopl District (NEISD). Last year, the companty had about a quarter million dollarsin revenues. This they are expecting between $1.5 million and $2 says Lance FitzSimon, chief operations officee and partnerwith Mendoza. “We’ve known this day was comingf forsome time,” FitzSimon says.
“But convincing organizationw of the need for preventative whenthere isn’t a regional or national scare like there is today, can be difficult.” The which employs just three people, currently outsourcesa its manufacturing to a company in Toluca, Mexico, and has a contracrt with locally based ArchPoint Salesz to serve as its national But FitzSimon says he expects that over the next couplr of years, the company will need to start hiring its own sales staff and will soon be up to 10 to 12 After founding the company in Mendoza and FitzSimon spent the next five year developing the formula for Kleenhanz.
They wanted to stay away from foamsx and gels because those tend to bealcohol based. Mendoza says he wanted to stay away from alcohol content for a numberof First, the alcohol tends to dry out the skin and he wantedx a product that would moisturizs the skin. That way it would be soothingg on the skin and providelasting Secondly, he had heard reports of studentw in some schools trying to extract and drink the alcohol conten t from hand sanitizers, and he wanted a product that woul be safe for school officialsa to put in the classrooms.
FitzSimon says the company also determinesd that it needed to developp towlettes that would scrub off the dirt and germas rather than just coating them like some othed hand sanitizerswill do. “We didn’ want something that would just mask the germ and not remove he says. “You have to scrub your handas to really getthem Kleenhanz’ first big successw came in 2006 when the company persuaded NEISc to beta test the producy in several schools. Kleenhanz dispensers were placed in the classrooms at five schoolsx duringthe 2006-07 school year and comparedc with five other schools that used a different hand-cleaninvg regimen.
The results were very positivsfor Mendoza’s company. “The pilort has shown that schools with Kleenhanz have lowe r absenteeism than schoolswithout it,” says Speed y Gonzales, executive director of safe and healthy schools at NEISD. “We believe that this has helped studentds tobe healthier, which allows them to be in class, especially during the flu NEISD Superintendent Richard Middleton adds that the strengtnh of Kleenhanz is in its convenience. “Oue students can easily fight germs by grabbingf a wipe on thei r way to lunch or grabbing one when they returfrom P.E.,” he says.
Mendozq notes that reducing absenteeism is a financialo windfall for the school district becausr a higher attendance rate helps to draw in more fundinyg fromthe state. “It is something like $32 per student that the district misses out on from the statwe every time a student is absent due to Mendoza says. “When you can improve the absenteeismk rate by even1 percent, it meansw millions of dollars for the district. So for thei r investment in the trial they got it back The success at NEISD led to demand for a consumer so Mendoza and FitzSimonh developed some retail products for Kleenhanz and strucki a dealwith H-E-B Grocery Co.
Kleenhanz currentlu has 30-count and 90-counr containers for sale that range in pricefrom $1.609 to $2.79 and recently introduce d individually wrapped towlettes that can be carried in purseas and lunch boxes. Mendoza says he wants his company to be more than just the guys who drop off the He wants his company to really make a That is why Kleenhanx stresses the education component and works with the schoo district and other customers on communicatinf the proper use of the towlettes to promoted good hygiene and to reduce the spreafof disease.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Pittsburgh Business Times: HR & Hiring : Business Advice
Division head Carl finallgy had to fix the problems in a departmenyt run by senior manager He transferred one supervisor andthree high-ranking staff members to other departments. He was Once again, he showed that he could be decisive andcleam house. But Carl had consistently ignore advice that the department head was a and didn't make the changezs necessary to keep the problemes from resurfacing later. Brenda seemed to be a nice personb and asympathetic listener. Like she had an open-door policy. She invited her supervisord and staff to divulge personal confidencezs and to share opinions abouteach other.
But she never resolvefd the issues that kept them from workingtogether effectively. I discovered a dark side behind Brenda's behavior. She was both conflict-avoidant and passive-aggressive. Actiny as a go-between, she carried versions of the gossioand bad-mouthing to other people, but with a twisrt that increased resentment and drov wedges between them. Instead of holdinbg her staff accountable for productivity and she reported to Carl that all of them hadmajoer problems. To justify her efforts, she said she'd chatteds with her supervisorsand staff, and had encouragedr them to put their style differenceds aside.
Carl's permissiveness allowed Brendaw to create a cultureof conflict-avoidance and passive-aggressivenesx that diminished productivity throughout her department. Unprofessional behaviot included back-stabbing, innuendos, rumors and warring cliques, leading to widespreade paranoiaand over-reactions. Everyone, including Brenda, tried to look busy whils theyavoided critical-but-difficult problems and covered their backs. Like Brenda was a long-terj manager with extensive training. She could explain what good managers do; she simply never did it. Because she didn't take effectiver action, complaints spread throughoutrthe division.
Other department heads mentioned the complaints to Brenda and eventuallyto Sporadically, Carl would give Brenda advice and explain his But he never followed up. Carl was shocked when corporatr headquarters called him on the carpet for not beinfg aneffective manager. Carl thus was motivatedr to give Brenda a strong talk and a mediocre That may sound likeeffectivre action, but it wasn't. Brenda had let things slide for years. She'd been talked to before, but she'ed always been given promotions when she promised todo better. Carl'x lecture was merely more of the same.
The best way to help people be more productives is to make them happyg by listening to their hurt feelings and being sympathetic in private and promisinbg to fight ontheir side. Brenda'xs sympathetic listening, but lack of consistenty accountability forprofessional behavior, created a management vacuumj that sucked into it everyone's nastiness and personal issues. ⢠There are no problemn people, only problem processes.
Workshops, clearer descriptionds of processesand expectations, and kindlyt suggestions and hints will cure all Well-meaning and intelligent people at all levels in the compan will put professional behavior and team goals ahead of personal Carl and Brenda ignored the widespread evidencd that some people simply didn't like each othe and wouldn't collaborate, and that for some personal agendas took precedence over company goals. some people behave decently only when they are actually held accountablr bymeaningful consequences. Others won't no matter what.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Researchers track adipose tissue-derived stromal cells after transplantation -
Researchers track adipose tissue-derived stromal cells after transplantation Using mesenchymal stromal cells derived from adipose (fat) tissues, genetically modified to express a bioluminescent marker, researchers in Italy have tracked cells after transplantation. The cells were followed from their injection into the spleen of ... |
Washington City Paper (blog) | ED in the EU: Olomouc and Brno, Czech Republic Washington City Paper (blog) I fall on hard times, disrupting my plans to regularly update my Washington City Paper Arts Desk tour blog. "Where is your copy?" my editor screams. "The bottom is falling out of our business model, and our company's continuing profitability de pends on ... |
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Thousands of Tampa Bay homes could be without TV Friday - Triangle Business Journal:
percent of households in the Tampaz Bay area will go Although that represents morethan 28,00o0 households in the region, it’s still well ahead of the national averaged of 2.5 percent. That means 2.8 million householdas could be without television signal by the weekened unless they purchase digitaltelevision sets, connect to cablde or satellite, or purchasse a converter box, according to The digital transitionm was supposed to happen in February, but federall officials delayed that move for three months after millions of homesx would lose television. During those threse months the number of homes completely unreadh for the transition was cut in halffrom 5.
8 “Given the importance that television playse in the day-to-day life of most we expect that most of the remaining unready homez will take the necessary steps to get ready once the stationsw make the final switcgh to digital transmission,” said Sara Erichson, presidengt of media client services for Nielsen, in a Congress created the digitalo switch in 2005 as a way to free up analoyg spectrum for cellular phone companiesw and others that coul use signal that has been in use by television stations for decades. Nielsen based its data on its Nationao People Meter panel as well as locapmetered panels.
The Tampa-Sarasota television market also cut its number of unready homes in halffrom 3.28 percentf in February to 1.55 percent in June. much of that drop happened through April. In Florida, the Fort Myers-Naples market has the best percentage of prepared households with less than 1 percent completel y unready for thedigital transition, representinyg fewer than 5,000 homes. The Orlando-Daytonz Beach-Melbourne market has 1.45 percent of its households completelyu unready, representing more than 21,2000 homes. The biggest problem area statewidde remainsin Miami-Fort Lauderdale where 2.81 or 43,468 homes, are completely unreaduy for the digital transition on Friday.
Nationwide, Albuquerque-Santas Fe has the worst percentage of unreadyh householdsat 7.58 percent. Los Angelesa has the most number of households standing currentlyat 252,180.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
VoIP Inc. hit with involuntary bankruptcy petition - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
An involuntary petition was filed June 2againsy , a voice over Internet provider, in the . The companyu had already said in 2008 that it eliminatedf most of its workforce and suspended all telecommunications It is also facinga lawsuit, filerd by the in U.S. District Court in Miami, alleging formef executives misled investors about the financial health ofthe Now, some creditors are appealintg to a bankruptcy judge to help them recovefr judgments against VoIP. The petitioning creditorsz areof Carlsbad, Calif., with a clai of $245,559; Garyn Angel, with a claimk of $391,000; and Carrie Angel, with a claim of according to the petition.
“The filing of the involuntary [bankruptcy] is not directlyu related to theSEC action, although I’m sure they will eventually said bankruptcy attorney Craig Pugatch, of , who representes Noctua Fund, but said he does not represent the Angels. “A groulp of creditors have been attempting to collect They believe assets are TheSEC complaint, filed in April, alleges between November 2004 and May 2005, executives recordefd $1.4 million in fictitious revenue from purported sales of computert hardware and for management services. It further alleges the inflated revenue raised the company’s overall revenue figures by 43 percentg for the year endede Dec. 31, 2004.
The SEC also said management knew VoIP wasstrugglint financially, that the company’s actual revenues were substantiallty less than its projections and that an executive sold more than 4 millioj shares of the company’s stock to realize more than $4.4 millionh in profit without properly recording the sale. The SEC had asked the court to disgorge all of the profitx the former executives made as a result oftheirf actions, pay a civil penalty and permanently bar them from actinvg as an officer or director of a publiclty held company. “We thinj the type of inaccurate public informatioj being put out was a pervasive Pugatch said.
“We also believe insiders and lenders were notactinfg properly.” Attempts to reach VoIP were not successful. The company’z phone number in Fort Lauderdale hadbeen disconnected.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Area training center to add 20 workers - Boston Business Journal:
is growing its training centers across the resulting ina $1.5 million expansioj project in Kettering. , which operates its 26,000-square-foort Midwest regional campus in the Miami Valley Research will double its space and add aboutf 20new jobs. It employs about 60 people there now. Travis Stewart, the university’s midwest region dean, said the expansion will increas student capacity from abouy 190 toabout 300. The university operateds in five regional areas across thecountry — plus one in Germanhy — and trains acquisition and logistice workforce for the entire Defense Department.
The main midwestg campus in Kettering and abourt four satellite campuses servicea 13-state region and aboug 22,000 people. Customers include — a hotbed of acquisitiomn and logisticsactivity — and the ’d TACOM Life Cycle Management headquartered in Warren, Mich. Last Congress approved legislation to bolsterthe university’s capacity, in preparatio of increased training for the 136,00 existing acquisition and logistics workers in the Defenss Department, plus an effort to recruit and traim more. Students in Kettering are a mix of civilia n andmilitary personnel, and include continuin g education and online classes, Stewarr said.
The classrooms see about 4,800 studentsa per year, he said. The Ketterint campus also is one of two campusex thatoffer executive-level training, due to customer demanrd at Wright-Patt. The building it occupies in Ketterinf is owned by NewYork City-based , whicg could not be reached for comment. Stewartg said the property ownetr has already selecteda contractor, but did not know who. Ketterinyg Economic Development Manager Gregg Gorsuchg said plans call for the expansion to be readyhby August, which meansa construction would have to start “The city is excited to learn it is expanding,” Gorsuch “It is a world-wide known organizatiom that we are proud is in Kettering.
” Time Equitiesz Inc. initially planned to seek Montgomery County economid development funding to financeabout $130,000 of the However, the project deadline is near, so it will move forward withouty them, Gorsuch said. Stewart said he does not anticipate additional campus expansion after this buildougt and said the university will likelu be in the Researcnh Park for a longtimeto come.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Department for Transport: HS2 decision "taken lawfully and fairly" - ITV News
Department for Transport: HS2 decision "taken lawfully and fairly" ITV News âWhile it would not be appropriate to comment on the specific claims, the Government is confident that the decisions on HS2 have been taken lawfully and fairly and it is vigorously defending these legal challenges.â â" Department for Transport ... |
Friday, December 7, 2012
NAIOP names Highwoods Properties 2009 developer of year - Washington Business Journal:
Highwoods Properties was namer NAIOP’s 2009 developer of the year and will be honorex atthe group’s Oct. 15 meetingy in Chicago. The real estate investment trust, whicnh was founded in 1978 in Raleigh, to develop, lease and manage office has grown into a large publix companywith $461 million in revenus in 2008. It owns or has an interesg in 382 propertiesencompassing 35.4 millioj square feet of office, industrial and retail space, and 580 acrews of development land. It’s the largesf owner and operator of suburbanb office properties inthe Southeast, including Tampq and Orlando. In 2008, it had a tota l market capitalizationof $3.6 billion.
“Highwoods is clearlt a leader in both the real estate and generaklbusiness communities, proven by its abilityt to outperform no matter what the real estatwe cycle,” NAIOP President Thomas J. Bisacquino said in a Presented annually toone member-developer company that best exemplifies leadership and innovation in the commercial real estatee industry, the award is determined by a five-membef selection committee that uses six criteriaq to evaluate entries: industry and business leadership; involvement in quality of products and services; financiak consistency and stability; ability to adapt to markeyt conditions; and social consciousness.
Past aware winners include , , Bentall Capital, ProLogis, and . During the last severapl years, Ed Fritsch, Highwoods chief executive officer, and his senior leadershiop team have focused on retaining the best assets in the most desirable while disposingof non-core land and buildingsz at historically high pricing levels. Proceeds from the transactionx strengthenedthe company’s balance sheet and funded a development Since January 2005, Highwoods has delivered $633 milliob of office and industrial properties encompassing 4.
1 million square Financial strength is a critical advantage offeresd by Highwoods, as the company has significant in-place financiakl capacity for funding customers’ space needs, states the Its 2009 goals include continuing to upgrade the quality of the delivering $93 million of new development and sellinyg $50-100 million of non-core assets.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Phoenix attorney Kaites, former Expos, Nationals president part of Reinsdorf bid for Coyotes - Houston Business Journal:
Reinsdorf, who owns the Chicago Bulls andWhite Sox, is the lead name on the $148 milliom offer for the team, whichy is in Chapter 11 bankruptcyu reorganization. Canadian billionaire Jim Balsillie earlieer madea $213 million offer to buy the hockeu team and move it to Hamilton, Reinsdorf put in his bid Fridauy along with Kaites. Bankruptcy courf filings say Tavares, CEO of New York-based Sportx Properties Acquisition Corp., will join the effort. Kaites is an attorney with LLC in Phoenix and a principal withthe Phoenix-basedf lobbying firm .
The firm counts the Gila River Indian Magellan Health Services and the Professional Firefighters of Arizona union amongbits clients, according to the Arizona Secretary of State’as Office. Kaites served as a prosecutor in MaricopaCounty Attorney’as office before unsuccessfully running for state attorneh general in 1998. He also served in the Arizonas Legislature and worked as a weathermanon KPNX-TV Channel 12. Kaitesw has been a political allyof U.S. Sen. John R-Ariz., serving on his 2008 Arizona presidentialk campaign leadership teamin Arizona. Tavares serve as president of the Montreal Exposd during the time when the baseball team relocated toWashingtonj D.C.
and became the Nationals.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
COBRA has taken on new bite in today
The new federal administration already has enacted sweepin g changes toemployment laws. The appointmenf of labor activist Hilda Solis as our 25th Secretartof Labor, passage of the Lillh Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and promotionh of the Employee Free Choice Act make it clear that employera — particularly small businesses which traditionallyh struggle with government compliance — are in for a bumpy ride. Human resourcs professionals, labor attorneys and smal l business owners are working feverishly to keep up withthesr changes. This is the first in a series of articles to help employerw understand and comply with new regulations cominvg outof Washington, D.C.
First on the Unprecedented government subsidies forCOBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budgeyt Reconciliation Act) coverage under the Americabn Recovery & Reinvestment Act, also known as the stimulua bill. Most business owners think of the stimuluas bill as a meane to stimulate our economy so they can grow their businesses and accesse newfunding sources. A closer look, however, reveals some downsides. For example, employers now bear the brunyt of the complexand time-consuming administrative tasks requirex to deliver unprecedented government subsidies to pay for health insurance for unemployed workers.
COBRA was passedr in 1986 as a way to prevent the unemployer from becoming uninsured while outof work. The problejm is that, in many cases, unemployedc workers can’t afford the premiums. The stimulusz bill aims to help unemployed workers pay for coverage by providinvg a government subsidy equal to 65 percent ofCOBRw premiums. While the COBRA subsidy is a generous offed onthe government’s part, it requirezs significant administration.
Employers are responsible for determining who qualifieas forthe subsidy, notifying those who are collecting the employee’s share of the premium, funding the government’s share, then recouping the government’s shared through a credit to their federal payroll tax liabilities. Employers also are required to account for the subsid y on their quarterly 941 payroll tax If the subsidy exceedsthe employer’s federal payrolp tax liability, the employer must file for a Starting with the first coverag e period on or after Feb. 17, 2009, employers • Inform all COBRA-eligible employees that were involuntarily separatef from employmentbetween Sept. 1, 2008, and Dec.
31, of their eligibility for the subsidy; • Renotifyh COBRA-eligible employees who were involuntarily separated on orafter Sept. 1, 2008, who decline COBRA coverage prior to the availabilith ofthe subsidy; • Ensure each COBRA-eligible employer and/or their qualified beneficiaries receive the 65 percent subsidy for up to nine You don’t have to be an HR expert to recogniz e the workload that this places on And while COBRA applies only to employerz with 20 or more employees, the subsidg applies to State Continuation coverage as well, whicy includes even the smallest employers in Texas and other states where it has been adopted. For additionao details, visit www . or consult your employeebenefitx adviser. Complicated enough? Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the Watch for my next article to lear how the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act dramaticallyhincreases employers’ liability for claims relate d to discriminatory compensation practices and what you can do to protect your business.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Procter & Gamble
She will be replaced by Christopher currently vice president of corporate communicationse and reputation and North America external according to anews release. 55, will step down from her positionJuly 1, then serve as a specialo assistant to Chairman A.G. Lafley untiol February. Part of her duties will include assistinyg Lafley in his role as chairman of the 2009 United Way of Greater Cincinnatiannual campaign. “Charlotte Otto leaves a track record of results in leveraging external relations to build andprotect P&G’a businesses and reputation,” said Lafleyg in the release. A nativw of Duluth, Minn., Otto has spent her entire careerwith P&G.
She joined the company in 1976 as a branc assistant on the Prell haircare line. She workefd on various brands, from Sure to before moving to advertising and then public affairsin 1989. By 1991 she was promotes to vice president of public relationfor P&G USA, and in 1996 became seniod vice president of public affairs for all of the In 2000 she assumedx her current title as global external relations officer. Otto has also been activ in community affairs, including takinh a leadership role withthe public/private partnership Cincinnatui Center City Development Corp. (3CDC). Hassall, 55, will take the globapl external relations jobJuly 1.
He returnex to Cincinnati in November 2008 aftetr working four years in Chinw as vice president of external relationsfor P&b Greater China and Asia. There, he helpec the China business, which P&G entered in 1988 as a smalpl operation, grow to the company's second-largest globak market by volume. Procter & Gamblde (NYSE: PG), headquartered in develops, manufactures and markets consumer productsand pharmaceuticals.
Blog Archive
- Steven Jackson quashes his own retirement rumor - ...
- Tighter credit makes franchising a harder nut - Ph...
- Prospecting: resources for research
- Crescent Resources files Chapter 11 - Pittsburgh B...
- Hand sanitizer company draws customers - bizjournals:
- Pittsburgh Business Times: HR & Hiring : Business ...
- Researchers track adipose tissue-derived stromal c...
- This Bauer bankruptcy traces back to Spiegel event...
- Year-old Sabert Bullitt County plant looking to ex...
- Niagara fruit crops holding up - Pacific Business ...
- Medical Acoustics makes respiratory device - Busin...
- ED in the EU: Olomouc and Brno, Czech Republic - W...
- Thousands of Tampa Bay homes could be without TV F...
- VoIP Inc. hit with involuntary bankruptcy petition...
- Area training center to add 20 workers - Boston Bu...
- Department for Transport: HS2 decision "taken lawf...
- NAIOP names Highwoods Properties 2009 developer of...
- Phoenix attorney Kaites, former Expos, Nationals p...
- COBRA has taken on new bite in today
- Procter & Gamble